Culture Wars/Tolerance: Friday, 14 Nov 2008

Facts About Mormon Involvement on Proposition 8
How to Derail Democracy - Alma 51:13

1 comment:

Privasee said...

I have to say, as a member of the LDS church, I'm not nearly as bothered by the protests in front of the temples and churches.

Some people talk about it as they're being persecuted, which I think is ridiculous.

The church has encouraged church members to participate in this debate, and they have. The members of made phone calls, gone to protests, held signs, contributed financially, sent letters, knocked on doors... all in a very coordinated effort.

As the membership of the church was one of the larger financial contributers to the compaign, the logical way to respond is in similiar fashion, including protests. No, I don't agree with "NO on Proposition 8" but, as people keep saying, it's a free country, and the best way for those people to get their voices heard, and voice their dissapointment with the church and/or it's members for their chosen level of participation, is to protest in front of their churches and temples. This is no surprise.

Latter-Day Saints who have chosen to vocally participlate whether via phone, doorstep, protest or other public venture have no right to be surprised when their opposition chooses to use their same political vehicles to voice their own opinions.

We've donated our money and our time to something many people *feel is a violation of their human rights, and we're the ones who are persecuted because they gather in front of the temple and 'block traffic', as you put it? Please. Let's not be babyish about it. It's a hot debate, one that emotionally charges parties from both sides. Both sides (not necessarily "The church, but the "Yes on 8 Group as a whole) have made mistakes. Both sides have, at times, been caught acting poorly. But the reality is, they have as much right to gather in front of the temple as we do to gather in front of the court house.

I'm glad to see both parties excercising their political right to voice their opinion in so many ways. It shows we still have the potential to have liberty in our nation. I'm not surprised by the protests as the Temple.

In regards to whether we really were the largest driving source - I think it's misguided. There was lots of participation, but somehow the church ended up the most visible. And to anyone supporting the gay rights movement (No on Prop 8) - You may blame the church for somehow getting this passed, but the reality is it passed because people voted the way they wanted to, after hearing the opinion of both sides. No church or organization could have changed that. You may be mad at the LDS church and the other churches that participated in the organization of those people, but the reality is, they simply got people to participate. And there is no sense being mad that your opponent won because they got people to vote. It's not like they cheated. They simply encouraged people to care. What a poor attitude, to be upset at a church or other social organization because they made society contribute to a heated debate. Essentially it comes down to: One side was able to bring more friends to a fight - and you're bitter about that, but you shouldn't be. Just as I think it's fair game for you to protest the temples, it's fair game for your opposition to get as many friends as they can.

Both sides should stop being babies.