Barney Frank asks Freddie and Fannie to relax mortgage rules - isn't this what got us into trouble in the first place?
The "New Normal" - Lower prolonged economic growth
Obama's doublethink: 1.9 million job losses = 150,000 jobs saved
Obama now predicts 10% uemployment
So now higher unemployment is good news?
...Unemployment rate closer to 16%
We'll Need to Raise Taxes Soon: Expect Congress to seriously consider a value-added tax
Value-added Tax definition
Taxing health benefits
$250k isn't the tax floor anymore: taxing everyone's health benefits
Microsoft to move jobs overseas if Obama tax plan passes
Lloyds Bank hit by Obama tax purge
Moving the Stimulus Goalposts
Questioning 100 stimulus projects
Stimulus to fund Wyoming Toad Recovery Program
...Cambodia Basic Education
FBI targeting TARP and stimulus fraud
Will union execs have pay restricted?
Gov't set to own majority of CITI
CITI boosting salaries to retain talent
...but Admin to restrict executive pay in private sector
White House to Appoint a Pay Czar
Administration jawbones corporate boards on pay
Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead
Mommy, can I turn on the lights?
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