Politics/Government: Monday, 17 Aug 2009

Town Hall Round-up

Democrats' break looking like a bad trip

Why so silent on the healthcare protests?
Mobilizing the unions to counter healthcare protesters
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Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls
SEIU members among those arrested in town hall protest scuffle

Protesters interrupt U.S. Representative's Meeting over healthcare
Tempers flare in South Florida over healthcare overhaul
Rowdy crowd grills congressmen over healthcare reform
Citizens take stand against gov't healthcare
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Prairie-Fire Anger
Protests in Denver
St Louis
Tempers flare over health care plan
Opposing doctors speak out
E-mails from public overload House Web site
Sen. Specter Shouted Down Over Health Care
Father of Handicapped Son Received Threats After Confrontation With Rep. Dingell
Lawmakers try to tone down health care town halls
More protests
Protesters really are grass-roots...

AARP cancels "listening session" after members refuse to quit giving solicited comments
Steny Hoyer belittles constituency, is confronted by Dem protester
Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"
Boxer: Protesters too well dressed to be sincere
Reid denounces health care protests
Pelosi, Hoyer call attacks on healthcare plan "un-American"
Requiring an ID for town hall meetings, but not for voting...
Dingell Compares Protesters to KKK Members
Ratings dropping
Reid: Protesters are 'evil-mongers'
Rep answers cell phone in the middle of a question during town hall
Misinterpreting the town hall protests
Newly elected Democrats waver on health plan
"Obama As Hitler" Poster Was A Democrat/Union Plant
AARP: No health plan endorsement yet

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